Does the Holy Spirit Make a Difference?
The disciples’ transforming experience of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost led to the birth of the church. But does the Holy Spirit still change lives today?
The disciples’ transforming experience of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost led to the birth of the church. But does the Holy Spirit still change lives today?
When the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples at Pentecost and set their hearts on fire it marked the beginning of the church.
Psalm 1 demonstrates that their are two paths; one is the path of righteousness; the other is a path that leads to destruction. We are to be trees planted near water, rooted in holiness and producing fruit.
In honor of Mother’s Day, Pastor Gary uses a passage from 2 Kings, telling the story of an unnamed mother.
In honor of Mother’s day, Pastor Gary uses a passage from 2 Kings, telling the story of a great woman.
Jesus is the vine and being connected to the vine is imperative is we are to fruitful in our lives. For apart from Jesus we can do nothing.
Jesus made it clear that our primary purpose as Christians is to spread his love throughout the world.
Evangelism Committee members prepare a nice brunch for our new members.
Jesus says that only those who choose the narrow gate will enter heaven while those who enter through the wide gate will find that, though the path is easy, it ultimately leads to destruction.