A group of people sitting at a table with pencils.

Honey, They Shrunk Our God!

J.B. Phillips in his book, “Your God is Too Small” talks about how we tend to put God into little boxes so we can bring him down to our size and make him manageable. But the result is our God becomes too small to handle our big problems. Paul offers some answers in Ephesians 1:15-20.

A gold and black logo for tapestry light.

Batter My Heart

Batter My Heart makes reference to  a poem by John Donne: “batter my heart, three-person’d God for you as yet but knock…” Rev. Gary focuses on the doctrine of prevenient grace and how God is wooing us into a love relationship with him.

A person standing in front of a wall.

Before, During and After

Meditating on the scripture from John 3:14-21, Pastor Sande helps us understand the extent and meaning of God’s great love for us — a love that has been with us before our life began, is with us during our life and will be with us after this life ends and our new life in eternity…