Wise Men and Wise Women
A sermon for Epiphany Sunday.
On Christmas Eve, we share in the excitement and anticipation of the birth of the Christ Child.
On this third Sunday of Advent the focus is on the peasant girl Mary who finds favor with God and becomes the mother of Jesus.
John the Baptist heralds the coming of the Messiah.
The opening verses of the twenty-third Psalm offer reassurance that God is with us in every situation.
Jesus’ Parable of the Talents encourages us to use the talents God has given us for ministry.
Guest Rev. Ron Hamilton offers an interpretation of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians church regarding the spiritual importance of stewardship.
Jesus confronted the Pharisees over their emphasis on works-righteousness rather than grace.
We were created in the image of God. As we grow in faith and spiritual maturity we will look more and act more and more like our heavenly Father.
A passage of scripture from the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy leads us to reflect on how we can show courage in our Christian living.