The Power of Prayer

Rev. Gary Kennedy shares from the book of James how powerful prayer is. Never doubt how much power there is in your prayers. James says it this way: “Is any among you suffering? Let him pray. Is any cheerful? Let him sing praises. Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of…

Wisdom Dictates You Are the Christ

Mark 8:27-38 and Proverbs 1:23 With lessons from various scripture passages and messages from other theologians, Rev. Gary Kennedy share the message from Jesus that as the Messiah, he had to suffer, die and come back to life after three days to redeem His followers for their sins. We as followers, like the early disciples,…

Lip Service

Jesus worked hard at teaching his Disciples the importance of service, love, sacrifice and sharing in our relationship with God. The Pharisees hated Jesus’ teaching and insisted that Ceremony and Ritual were more important. Jesus is the “real deal” in Rev. Gary Kennedy’s message about the importance of reminding us not to just give “lip…

The Armor of God

Pastor Lois Hedden explains what it means to “put on the whole armor of God.” We need to wear the Belt of Truth and the Breastplate of Righteousness. Our feet are to be fitted with the Preparation of Peace. We are to carry the Shield of Faith and wear the Helmet of Salvation. Be armed…