February 2025 Good News
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Isaiah, a prophet tells about the coming of a virgin giving birth to a Savior. Luke re-tells the story. As an adult, Jesus is in the synagogue reading aloud from the scripture and here in his hometown he tells them this prophesy has now been fulfilled. He challenges the people of his hometown to do…
God’s blessings seem to teach us life lessons over and over. Rev. Kennedy illustrates how the same blessings can be seen over and over through the generations.
In a moving message, Rev. Ruth Blum shares the importance of recognizing God is the Church and His love is pure and never-failing. We cannot and should not judge His Church by the actions of people. Remember, God calls YOU by name. Follow Him.
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares interesting facts and some accepted speculation about the Wise Men who came to Jerusalem and then Bethlehem to find a new-born king. While there were three gifts, the wise men probably had a large entourage of people with supplies and servants for the long journey to follow the star. Even with…