Because of a computer malfunction, there is no recorded sermon for February 6, 2022.
Because of a computer malfunction, there is no recorded sermon for February 6, 2022.
Jesus is missing! Have you found Him? Sometimes we seek Him in all the wrong places. Sometimes we don’t even look for Him. Jesus wants us to have joy and love. Seek Him today!
“A chute will come from the stump of Jesse” from Isaiah refers to the birth of Jesus. Rev. Ruth Blum shares how our ancestry is connected with blessings. References to “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein reminds us that God makes all things new.
Rev. Ruth Blum shares the significance of the curtain being torn from top to bottom when Christ died on the cross. Before His sacrifice every year on the Day of Atonement the High Priest was the only person who could enter through the curtain into the Holy of Holies in the temple. He would go…
Rev. Ruth Blum asks, “What is Grace?” Grace is not elegance or politeness. It is not a prayer before a meal. Then what IS grace? Who does it affect? Is grace available to me? How do I get it? Yes! Grace is available to everyone!
Looking into Psalm 133, Rev. Ruth Blum shares insight into how much God loves us. We are created by God to live in Unity through the power of being anointed by the Holy Spirit. God has commanded the blessing of eternal life through the love of others and that same Spirit.
Rev. Ruth Blum shares from James 3:1-12 about the importance of speaking truth in love and intentionally turning complaining into blessing. She shares quotes from numerous individuals, including Lloyd J. Ogilvie, about feelings of pressure in life and in work. We need to respond to pressures in life as Christ would. Remember, we teach every…
Some questions need answers: How can we be “in the Spirit?” What is the armor of God? Do we still need it? Should I feel guilty if I don’t understand? How do I pray expecting results? Remember prayer is recognizing we need the Lord. We need to surround ourselves with the WHOLE armor of God!…
When you speak of having Joy or being filled with the Spirit of the Lord, does your countenance show it? Rev. Ruth Blum shares Paul’s message to the church from Ephesians 5:15-20.