Steady as You Go
Rev. Ruth Blum shares from Philippians 3 and 4 and suggests instead of burdening ourselves during Lent, let’s broaden our faith.
Rev. Ruth Blum shares from Philippians 3 and 4 and suggests instead of burdening ourselves during Lent, let’s broaden our faith.
On this first Sunday in the season of Lent Rev. Gary Kennedy shares from Luke 4:1-13 with reference also to Deuteronomy 26. Prior to the 9th Century people wore sackcloth and sprinkled ashes over their bodies to symbolize their repentance from living a life of sin. Later came the realization that everyone has sinned and…
Celebrating the miracle of Transfiguration, Rev. Ruth Blum tell the story about when Moses and Elijah appear before Jesus and begin carrying on a conversation. God enveloped this group along with three disciples in a radiant cloud and he spoke, saying, “This is my Son, my Chosen. Listen to Him.” For that short period of…
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares verses from Genesis 45 featuring Joseph when he reveals his identity to his brothers who betrayed him so many years prior. A true story of love and forgiveness.
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares insights from the Sermon on the Mount and the Sermon on the Plain. He points out that God’s way and the world’s way differ. When we look at life through God’s eyes, our perspective is hopeful. Even when things look hopeless.
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares insights from the Sermon on the Mount and the Sermon on the Plain. He points out that God’s way and the world’s way differ. When we look at life through God’s eyes, our perspective is hopeful. Even when things look hopeless. The service begins after an unscheduled delay with opening music,…
Rev. Gary Kennedy reminds us God is Love! God loves us! God’s love is powerful! God’s love changes us. God’s love empowers us to share how He has changed us. God’s love directs us to share His love with others.
Rev. Lois Hedden shares from Luke 4:14-21 and reminds us when Jesus stated, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing” He was looking back to his anointing by the Holy Spirit when he rose up out of the baptism water. Jesus spoke in parables to help people recognize the truth around them. The…
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares some of the ways agape love [God-love] can be manifested, including turning water into wine at a wedding. God can take our lives and transform us into what He wants us to be when we yield to His agape love.
Keep in mind the importance of following Jesus while we follow others who have led in beginning Bible studies, prison ministries, orphanages, hospitals and more as they followed Jesus and His example. Christine Jones presents a delightfully challenging message from 2 Kings 2:6, Ruth 1:16-17, Matthew 4:18-20 for United Methodist Women Sunday.