Rev. Lois Hedden reminds us people get worried or concerned about all kinds of things. There is really only one thing we need to be concerned about . . . our relationship with God through Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Rev. Lois Hedden reminds us people get worried or concerned about all kinds of things. There is really only one thing we need to be concerned about . . . our relationship with God through Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/S-f0c0_M7Dg” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe> Be careful with your choices. Our choices make a difference in our lives and often in the lives of others.
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares what makes a great country. Abraham Lincoln said “The strength of a nation is in the homes of a nation,” because in a family we work together toward a common goal. Jesus came to earth with a message of repentance and salvation followed by a commission to go out as lambs…
In our journey of this life, sometimes we just aimlessly walk, not paying attention to where or how we will reach our destination. Three men were in this situation, Jesus gives them a surprising answer. Hear what Rev. Ruth Blum shares about this.
As we think about God being heard in a still small voice, we reflect on God sending the Holy Spirit so we can have a constant connection with God. God is Great and Powerful, but we have been instructed to address him as ABBA which means Daddy. ABBA is loving and patient. Do our lives…
Rev. Gary Kennedy reminds us the Church is not limited to a building or a worship center. The Church is the people and their hearts sharing the love of God in the power of the Holy Spirit. We, the Church, together and as individuals are all equipped by the Holy Spirit to share the Good…
When tragedies like mass shootings cause us to doubt, we need to be reminded of the foundations of our faith and KNOW that our hope is in Christ Jesus. His prayer for the Church in John 17 includes you and me. Rev. Ruth Blum
Rev. Tweedy Navarrete from Four Corners Native American Ministries shares about the joys and the challenges of the ministry in the Four Corners area of our state. Guest native American singer is Gary Long. During and following the service, Rev. Navarrete was presented gifts from various ministries in the church: Kris Krafters, our sewing ministry,…
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares the importance of a Mother’s love and influence on our lives. Beyond that, God’s love shown to us through grandmothers, aunts, friends, mentors, teachers and other women. God’s love helping us to learn how to deal with life. So many have shepherded us and thus we have been prepared to shepherd…
The disciples experienced a major transformation in the days following the resurrection. They moved from hiding in fear of their lives to preaching boldly about God’s love and the resurrection of Jesus as He had promised. They wondered if they would die like Jesus did, but when he returned he brought peace and challenged them…