Memory Check
Paul’s prayer for his people still applies to us today.
God’s Amazing Grace
You can’t earn your way into heaven. Thankfully, salvation is God’s free gift to you through his amazing grace.
About Baptism
Due to the infant baptism that took place earlier in the service, Rev. Kennedy changed his sermon to reflect on the nature and meaning of baptism in our Christian faith.
The Early Rain
The Old Testament prophet Joel speaks a prophecy that is picked up later by Peter to justify the events of Pentecost and to point to a new working of the Holy Spirit.
Wrestling with God
We learn three principles from Jacob’s experience of wrestling with God that can help us in our own struggles.
A Lifetime of Learning
In Paul’s letter to Timothy he passes the torch to a new generation and encourages faithfulness to sound doctrine.
The Seed Has Grown
Rev. Gary Kennedy continues with the theme of faith, showing how even the smallest seed can produce incredible results.
Unity of the Spirit
Rev. Gary Kennedy looks at The Letter to the Ephesians to help us understand the importance of Christian unity.