When his disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, he responded with this simple prayer that we know as the Lord’s Prayer.
When his disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, he responded with this simple prayer that we know as the Lord’s Prayer.
Even though our world seems to be in constant upheaval, scripture tells us to relax — God is in control!
We think we are in control of our lives but scripture tells us that is an illusion — God is in control. And that is good news!
In a world torn apart by war and racial divisions, we seek peace the peace of God.
Jesus tells his disciples that following him must take precedence over everything else.
The Apostle Paul gives us the inspirational example of someone who endured incredible suffering through faith in God who told him, “My strength is perfected in your weakness.”
Pastor Gary reflects on Memorial Day through the story of the Roman Centurian’s faith and with personal remembrances.
The Roman Centurian’s encounter with Jesus offers a dramatic story of faith.
Jesus is standing at the door of your heart. He’s softly knocking, asking for you to let him in. What is your response? (Because of copyright restrictions, the music portion of this art sermon could not be included.)