Rev. Ruth Blum asks, “What is Grace?” Grace is not elegance or politeness. It is not a prayer before a meal. Then what IS grace? Who does it affect? Is grace available to me? How do I get it? Yes! Grace is available to everyone!
Rev. Ruth Blum asks, “What is Grace?” Grace is not elegance or politeness. It is not a prayer before a meal. Then what IS grace? Who does it affect? Is grace available to me? How do I get it? Yes! Grace is available to everyone!
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares thoughts on rejection from Mark 10:17-31. The rich man rejected Jesus. He trusted riches instead of Jesus. What gets between you and Jesus? Whom do you you trust? What do you trust?
On Worldwide Communion Day Rev. Gary Kennedy shares thoughts from what is sometimes referred to as The Forgotten Epistle. This is a day of gratitude and a day of remembering the sacrifice Jesus made for us. Pastor Gary reminds us Jesus would have made this sacrifice even if you were the only one who needed…
Rev. Lois Hedden shares how God’s hand is woven into the life of Queen Esther and a little on the history of Purim. She also shares some advantages and disadvantages of life during the life of King Ahasuerus.
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares the unique voice of wisdom from Solomon found in the Proverbs. He also shares the importance of staying connected with God throughout the day. NOTE: There was a delay in taping because of a sudden power failure at the beginning of this service.
Do you focus on God or on the problem? Is your faith on God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit or is it on traditions? Rev. Gary Kennedy shares a challenging message from Luke 7.
Some questions need answers: How can we be “in the Spirit?” What is the armor of God? Do we still need it? Should I feel guilty if I don’t understand? How do I pray expecting results? Remember prayer is recognizing we need the Lord. We need to surround ourselves with the WHOLE armor of God!…
Faith in God in hard times. Importance of mentorship in Christian life. Stories of reconciliation and restoration. Rev Gary Kennedy shares from Mark 6:30-34.