“Nic at Night”
John 3:16 has been reduced to an invisible meaning unless we meet Nicodemus and understand the conversation he had with Jesus.
John 3:16 has been reduced to an invisible meaning unless we meet Nicodemus and understand the conversation he had with Jesus.
Rev. Gary Kennedy asks “What’s In A Name?” Mary and Joseph were told by the angel to name their son Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus. We pray in the name of Jesus. Jesus came as a gift from God to all of us. He came to live as a human while…
During times of tragedy, stress or anxiety we recognize the need for God in our lives. Do we recognize our need for God in good times? Have we become so comfortable that we stop sharing God’s love with our family and neighbors? Do we only share God’s love during hard times.? Paul praised Timothy for…
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares from Jeremiah 18:1-11. God as the potter is ready to mold us into what He wants us to be. If we CHOOSE to ignore His way for our life, He will allow us to move on our destructive path. Will you choose to submit to Him? When we submit He can…
Do you ever think of God being lonely? Parents sometimes feel lonely when their children reject them; but they still love their children. Do you think God feels that same loneliness when we choose to ignore Him? And yet He loves us. The book of Hosea shows us how God’s love is continually calling out…