The Light of God’s Glory
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares a message from Exodus 34:29-35
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares a message from Exodus 34:29-35
In the Beatitudes, Jesus gives us a glimpse of how, in God, things are turned upside down. Blessed are the poor. In contemporary thinking, no-one wants to be poor. Give God’s abundant blessing to someone poor, then there is joy. The same could be true of someone who is wealthy, but without God. The blessing,…
Isaiah, a prophet tells about the coming of a virgin giving birth to a Savior. Luke re-tells the story. As an adult, Jesus is in the synagogue reading aloud from the scripture and here in his hometown he tells them this prophesy has now been fulfilled. He challenges the people of his hometown to do…
Malachi is not the first prophet to point out that God’s people were not following God’s plan for them. Malachi is reminding people that there is a Saviour coming and people will have to repent. Pastor Gary Kennedy points out that we, like they are called to repentance. If not for Emmanuel, we all would…
In 2 Corinthians 9:5-12 in the New Living Translation we are reminded God loves a cheerful giver! On this final day of our Pledge Campaign we are reminded by Rev. Gary Kennedy that our gifts are to come from the heart. God does not want us to give grudgingly but joyfully. We are also praising…
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares from the book of James how powerful prayer is. Never doubt how much power there is in your prayers. James says it this way: “Is any among you suffering? Let him pray. Is any cheerful? Let him sing praises. Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of…
We are to be rooted in prayer. Do not diminish the power of prayer. Don’t apologize for “only” being able to pray. Prayer is the most important thing we can do for others. Every Christian is appointed and called by God to pray for others. Watch and listen for “God nudges” to pray for, visit…
The Church is where God is. The church is a place where we can worship God and present ourselves to Him as He ministers to us. For God the Church is always open, no matter the weather, no matter the busyness of life. We are to keep Christ first in our lives. Honoring God matters.…