It is the same . . . .
God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow Hebrews 13:8 – This “OLD” scripture is just as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago. See Isaiah 12.
God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow Hebrews 13:8 – This “OLD” scripture is just as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago. See Isaiah 12.
Haggai was a no-nonsense prophet who encouraged the exiles to move away from only talking about and remembering the “good old days.” He reminded them that God called them to WORK while putting God first. He reminds them to listen to what God says and work towards it. We are reminded in this month of…
In a time of remembering our past, we need to celebrate that to live and move into the future we must continue to dream big dreams. We need to widen our circle of faith so that it is never ending. “Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young…
Kindness is contagious. In an informative and moving message about the ripple effect of kindness, love and compassion, Diane Nelson shares examples of ongoing ministries that continue to “ripple” into growing ministries.
We were created for growth. During our growth we can plant seeds of kindness with our actions. When others are kind to us, do we thank them? If their kindness is anonymous, we can pay it forward by being kind to someone else. God blesses us every day. Go and plant seeds of kindness and…
During times of tragedy, stress or anxiety we recognize the need for God in our lives. Do we recognize our need for God in good times? Have we become so comfortable that we stop sharing God’s love with our family and neighbors? Do we only share God’s love during hard times.? Paul praised Timothy for…
Our world has become more focused on SELF and less focused on the greater good where Christ directed our focus. Luke 14:11 reminds us that the quality and virtue of humility is to be treasured and not belittled. “All who make themselves great will be made humble, but those who make themselves humble will be…
“I Knew You” is a reminder that in our “Me First” world, God reminds us it is He who helps us reach our potential. The scripture passage, Jeremiah 1:4-10, illustrates how God took a reluctant Jeremiah and “called” him to become the greatest prophet in Israel’s history.
Rev. Lois Hedden shares this story of the people of Israel, so simple and yet complex. It is the basis for a parable of Jesus; a simple story but complex. This is also the story for our lives; very simple and yet complex. May we take the complex and make it simple. Love and worship…
Rev. Gary Kennedy helped us to identify what is really important to God. He used actual humorous headstone epitaphs to illustrate what was really important in life. Make a choice to be part of a world-changing, hate-breaking, sin-binding, love-finding ministry of the church. Don’t be like the epitaph that reads “Dead at 30. Buried at…