Our Easter Story
On that first resurrection morning the women came to the tomb not expecting to find a living Jesus. Rev. Gary Kennedy asks “How many of us show up on Sunday morning not expecting to find a living Jesus?”
On that first resurrection morning the women came to the tomb not expecting to find a living Jesus. Rev. Gary Kennedy asks “How many of us show up on Sunday morning not expecting to find a living Jesus?”
Rev. Gary Kennedy combines the stories of the lost sheep and the prodigal son to remind us God is always searching for us to come to Him or return to Him. “. . . your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found.” Luke 15:32b RSV
Rev. Gary Kennedy reminds us God is Love! God loves us! God’s love is powerful! God’s love changes us. God’s love empowers us to share how He has changed us. God’s love directs us to share His love with others.
Keep in mind the importance of following Jesus while we follow others who have led in beginning Bible studies, prison ministries, orphanages, hospitals and more as they followed Jesus and His example. Christine Jones presents a delightfully challenging message from 2 Kings 2:6, Ruth 1:16-17, Matthew 4:18-20 for United Methodist Women Sunday.
Rev. Kennedy shares the symbolism of a candy cane being a shepherd’s crook. He explains how Jesus is our Good Shepherd and the sheep follow the shepherd and know his/her voice even when there are other voices calling out. It is important that we follow our Good Shepherd and listen for His voice. God speaks…
Rev. Gary Kennedy speaks of the importance giving thanks for what God has provided rather than dwelling on what we do not have. God’s love is full of mercy and provision.
Rev. Ruth Blum asks, “What is Grace?” Grace is not elegance or politeness. It is not a prayer before a meal. Then what IS grace? Who does it affect? Is grace available to me? How do I get it? Yes! Grace is available to everyone!
This service comes in two parts because of a computer glitch. Watch both parts for the entire service. Rev. Gary Kennedy shares the importance of counting our blessings as we live out the greatest commandment by loving the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and loving our neighbor as ourselves. The result…
This service comes in two parts because of a computer glitch. Watch both parts for the entire service. Rev. Gary Kennedy shares the importance of counting our blessings as we live out the greatest commandment by loving the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and loving our neighbor as ourselves. The result…
Guest speaker, former pastor Rev. Tom Wicks shares from Acts 2 about the growth of the church resulting when we make people feel welcome.