A Crooked Line
A “meek and mild” Jesus uses violence to drive the merchants and money lenders out of the Temple. Rev. gary examines this scripture and find meaning for today.
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A “meek and mild” Jesus uses violence to drive the merchants and money lenders out of the Temple. Rev. gary examines this scripture and find meaning for today.
Jesus calls his first disciples by the shore of Galilee. But that’s not the whole story.
We move quickly from the birth of Jesus to his baptism thirty years later and the start of his ministry.
John the Baptist heralds the coming of the Messiah.
Jesus confronted the Pharisees over their emphasis on works-righteousness rather than grace.
This passage in Matthew 16 marks a turning point in Jesus’ ministry as he turns towards Jerusalem and the certain knowledge of his coming death.
An Easter message emphasizing that the resurrected Christ is alive and with us even now.
As we celebrate Palm Sunday and the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, Pastor Gary challenges us to see ourselves in the crowd that greeted him but also the crowd that called for his crucifixion. This sermon was preached at the Sunday morning service. Although the Saturday Sabbath sermon has the same title, the two sermons are…
As we celebrate Palm Sunday and the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, Pastor Gary challenges us to see ourselves in the crowd that greeted him but also the crowd that called for his crucifixion. This sermon was preached at the Saturday Sabbath service. Although the Sunday sermon has the same title, the two sermons…
The story of the raising of Lazarus offers a foretaste of Jesus’ own resurrection.