A Tall Order
With AC out in the sanctuary, we are worshipping in the fellowship hall for a few weeks. Rev. Gary Kennedy is teaching on promises made by Jesus about peace and eternal life.
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With AC out in the sanctuary, we are worshipping in the fellowship hall for a few weeks. Rev. Gary Kennedy is teaching on promises made by Jesus about peace and eternal life.
The disciples did not recognize Jesus after His resurrection. When Jesus came to him on the road to Damascus, Paul asked, “Who are you?” Do we recognize Him in our lives today?
The disciples experienced a major transformation in the days following the resurrection. They moved from hiding in fear of their lives to preaching boldly about God’s love and the resurrection of Jesus as He had promised. They wondered if they would die like Jesus did, but when he returned he brought peace and challenged them…
On that first resurrection morning the women came to the tomb not expecting to find a living Jesus. Rev. Gary Kennedy asks “How many of us show up on Sunday morning not expecting to find a living Jesus?”
Rev. Ruth Blum reminisces the excitement of watching or participating in a parade. As Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem on a donkey the crowds were excited about his arrival and greeted him with praises using their outside voice. “God bless the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory to…
Do we make a difference? Looking at a passage from Isaiah 43:16-21, Rev. Gary Kennedy shares the importance of learning and sharing about the “bittersweet” character of God from the Old Testament as it contrasts with the sweetness of the New Testament.
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares how Lent does not have to be a “downer” but rather an opportunity for repentance, redemption, reconciliation, and restoration of a relationship with Jesus, the Savior of the world.
Celebrating the miracle of Transfiguration, Rev. Ruth Blum tell the story about when Moses and Elijah appear before Jesus and begin carrying on a conversation. God enveloped this group along with three disciples in a radiant cloud and he spoke, saying, “This is my Son, my Chosen. Listen to Him.” For that short period of…
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares insights from the Sermon on the Mount and the Sermon on the Plain. He points out that God’s way and the world’s way differ. When we look at life through God’s eyes, our perspective is hopeful. Even when things look hopeless.
Rev. Lois Hedden shares from Luke 4:14-21 and reminds us when Jesus stated, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing” He was looking back to his anointing by the Holy Spirit when he rose up out of the baptism water. Jesus spoke in parables to help people recognize the truth around them. The…