The Fountain of Life
God’s blessings seem to teach us life lessons over and over. Rev. Kennedy illustrates how the same blessings can be seen over and over through the generations.
God’s blessings seem to teach us life lessons over and over. Rev. Kennedy illustrates how the same blessings can be seen over and over through the generations.
In this transitional time from Christmas to the New Year, there are those who are hastily removing decorations and turning of the colorful lights, while there are others who will keep all of the decorations up as they celebrate the twelve days of Christmas. No matter how you and your family celebrate this transitional time,…
Following a thankful tribute to the veterans in the service, we sang favorite songs celebrating each service branch. After this expression of gratitude, Rev. Gary Kennedy and Dr. Linda Reese presented a moving and challenging message on stewardship as we embark our month of GRATITUDE.
Pastor Gary Kennedy uses a difficult passage from scripture to point out how many of us allow things to get between us and our relationship with God. He shared from the testimony of Grainger McCoy how easy it is to allow our lives and our livelihood to become a barrier between our hearts and the…
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares from the book of James how powerful prayer is. Never doubt how much power there is in your prayers. James says it this way: “Is any among you suffering? Let him pray. Is any cheerful? Let him sing praises. Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of…
Mark 8:27-38 and Proverbs 1:23 With lessons from various scripture passages and messages from other theologians, Rev. Gary Kennedy share the message from Jesus that as the Messiah, he had to suffer, die and come back to life after three days to redeem His followers for their sins. We as followers, like the early disciples,…
When you are encouraged to mentor others in their spiritual journey, do not refuse because you do not feel “good enough.” Simply put into practice the WHY of what you believe. We are usually very readily available to teach others at a new job. What stops us from being a mentor to others in their…
We are to be rooted in prayer. Do not diminish the power of prayer. Don’t apologize for “only” being able to pray. Prayer is the most important thing we can do for others. Every Christian is appointed and called by God to pray for others. Watch and listen for “God nudges” to pray for, visit…
1 Corinthians 13:1-13 The verb “love” has many uses and definitions. Love is patient and kind. Love does not envy, is not proud. Love does not act unseemly. Love is not selfish. Love is not easily provoked. Love does not revel in sin. Love does not gossip. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes…
Because of his background of persecution of the church, Paul was challenged when he was led by the Holy Spirit to chastise the church for allowing many outside influences to tarnish their ministry. They demanded to know what his credentials were to give him the right to call them out. His reply was based upon…