Holidaze Craft Faire
Mark your calendar for November 3 & 4 from 9:00am to 2:00pm
Willowbrook United Methodist Church in Sun City
Over 75 vendors! REMEMBER! Each vendor submits an item for the raffle. Raffle tickets available both days.
We once again have a sharpening service available, so bring garden tools, knives and scissors to restore clean sharp edges.
WHAT TO EXPECT: holiday ornaments and gifts, household items such as kitchen linens, tea cozies, scrubbies, aprons and dishcloths. Woodwork and metal or glass yard art. 3-D Books, sensory books, toys, picture books, and children’s clothing. Wall art, scarves, hats, hair ornaments, purses or jewelry. Pet collars, pet dishes, dog or kitty bed. Homemade candy and baked items.
Don’t forget, Willowbrook is home to the Kris Krafters! They will have several tables of handmade Christmas linens, kitchen items, walker bags, lap quilts, wall hangings, baby layettes, dolls and more!
Willowbrook UMC is located at 19390 N 99th Avenue, Sun City [north of Union Hills] More Info? Call 623-974-5637, 8:30-4:00 M-F.