The book of Joshua is the first book in the Bible following the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) and it begins with the word AND. This suggests it is a continuation of the message in those books. In the first five books, God let His people know how much he loved them and the many blessings he had for those who loved Him. Moses was given the task of rescuing them from their oppressors and leading them to a new land filled with God’s abundance and blessings. Because of their disobedience, the people wandered around for many years in search of that promised land. When they arrived at the river over which they must cross to reach their destination with its blessings, two and a half tribes chose not to cross. The rest of the people, under the leadership of Joshua crossed into the land which measured approximately 300,000 square acres. They only occupied 30,000 square acres of that land, however. God had promised them so much more and they chose not to receive His full blessing. How often has God promised abundant blessing to us and we limit our faith in His provision and do not take the needed steps of faith to accept His blessings. We keep hoping and praying when we should be moving and accepting. We limit ourselves with our limited faith. Don’t sell yourself short. Take that step of faith and trust Jesus.
Categories: Faith, God's Faithfulness, God's Love, Gratitude, Guidance, Sermons, UncategorizedBy Gary Kennedy