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On this first Sunday in the season of Lent Rev. Gary Kennedy shares from Luke 4:1-13 with reference also to Deuteronomy 26. Prior to the 9th Century people wore sackcloth and sprinkled ashes over their bodies to symbolize their repentance from living a life of sin. Later came the realization that everyone has sinned and needs to repent and we now symbolize our repentance with the ashes on the forehead received on Ash Wednesday, first day of the season of Lent.

Like in the Garden of Eden when Satan (the Serpent) twisted the meaning of God’s words and tempted Eve and Adam, in the Wilderness Satan twisted the meaning of God’s words when he tempted Jesus. Adam and Eve submitted to the temptation. Jesus resisted temptation.

The season of Lent reminds us we can also be strong spiritually and resist temptation. The season of Lent is our time of preparation for Easter as we examine our lives and repent of sin as we submit our lives anew to Christ.