Do you find it difficult to hold on to the excitement and joy of Easter. As a church in a retirement community, Easter is often a transition time for seasonal residents to leave or prepare to leave. We have been looking at the various reactions to the crucifixion and resurrection. When Jesus was arrested, Peter ran away and hid. Later, following the resurrection Peter and the followers were praising God. They were accused of being drunk. Josephus quoted Peter as saying, “NO, they are not drunk! They are filled with the Holy Spirit. Repent and be baptized!” Peter’s words pierced the hearts of many and many were baptized. In similar opposition, Lloyd Ogilvie, one-time pastor of 1st Presbyterian Church of Hollywood told about a pastor who was once speaking about the Holy Spirit. Some people in the congregation opposed a message about the Holy Spirit. The pastor pointed out when we START with the Bible, God then inspires His message through songs, hymns, experiences and the Holy Spirit all week to prepare us for the message he has for each of us. Repent and be baptized. Rev. Gary Kennedy shared about a dream he had recently in which he was an associate pastor of a church. The pastor said to Gary, “I can’t preach this morning, Gary, you preach.” And he sat down. As Gary walked to the pulpit, he prayed, “God, what do I say?” God told him to have the people sing “Oh, How I Love Jesus*.” In a moving ceremony, Pastor Gary then invites us to sing and he repeated Peter’s words, “Repent and be baptized.” He then invited people who had never been baptized or wanted to renew their baptism to come forward and be baptized. Praise God! His Holy Spirit is still active. *There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth; it sounds like music in my ear, the sweetest name on earth. It tells me of a Savior’s love, who died to set me free; it tells me of his precious blood, the sinner’s perfect plea. O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, because he first loved me! Words: Frederick Whitfield, 1855 Music: 19th cent. USA melody – From The United Methodist Hymnal, The United Methodist Publishing House, Copyright 1989 Permission to podcast/stream obtained from one of the following: One License #735079-A Podcast/Streaming License Bundle CCLI #788053
BaptismChristian ConductConversionFaithForgivenessGod's LoveHoly SpiritJoyRepentanceSalvationSermonsWorship