Rev. Ruth Blum shares from James 3:13-4:3 exploring the importance of Wisdom in our lives. Following are some highlights. Our world is constantly trying to have MORE of [fill in the blank]. The church’s philosophy is LOVE. Do we as Christians demonstrate LOVE when we are pushing and pulling for MORE? James points out the importance for Christians to become WISE in our thoughts, our speech, our decisions, and our actions. Satan tries to defeat the actions of Christians with FEAR. A WISE person will turn to God and ask for HELP. Then we must WAIT for his answer. God is faithful to provide for our NEED. He does not always provide what we WANT. Be wise and keep things in the right order. Pray for Wisdom and then be still and wait on God.
Pastor Ruth ended her message with the Serenity Prayer. She pointed out the first paragraph is usually all that is recited. She then shared the complete/long version of the prayer. It is available online. After reading the long version, she read a very short updated prayer which follows. God grant me the serenity to accept the people that I cannot change, the courage to change the one that I can and the wisdom to know that it is ME. Amen