Rev. Ruth Blum asks, “What is Grace?” Grace is not elegance or politeness. It is not a prayer before a meal. Then what IS grace? Who does it affect? Is grace available to me? How do I get it? Yes! Grace is available to everyone!
Rev. Ruth Blum asks, “What is Grace?” Grace is not elegance or politeness. It is not a prayer before a meal. Then what IS grace? Who does it affect? Is grace available to me? How do I get it? Yes! Grace is available to everyone!
Guest speaker, former pastor Rev. Tom Wicks shares from Acts 2 about the growth of the church resulting when we make people feel welcome.
Looking into Psalm 133, Rev. Ruth Blum shares insight into how much God loves us. We are created by God to live in Unity through the power of being anointed by the Holy Spirit. God has commanded the blessing of eternal life through the love of others and that same Spirit.
“I am the Church, You are the Church, We are the Church together.” Always relevant are these words of encouragement from Rev. Gary Kennedy when the church building closed at the beginning of Covid-19 isolation.
Instead of selecting a few verses as a focus, Rev. Lois Hedden has shared an entire passage of scripture in Luke 2:22-40. Simeon had been waiting a very long time for the Messiah. He had been promised he would not die before seeing the Messiah. Simeon recognized Jesus as the Messiah when Mary and Joseph…