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Satan challenged Jesus in the wilderness. Jesus responded with the truth of scripture. The Samaritan women was beaten down with negative comments her entire life. Jesus spoke God’s love over her and offered her living water. Satan fills our minds with negative thoughts but Holy Spirit gives us power over negative thoughts. God loves you!…
“Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted there by the devil.” Matthew 4:1 Jesus was tested in the wilderness by Satan after 40 days of fasting and praying. We are all tested by Satan in many ways at many times. When we are being tested, it can feel like we…
Matthew is a teaching gospel. Rev. Gary Kennedy introduces Jesus as a teacher by reading from the Gospel of Luke 4:14, 16, 18-19, and then verse 21 where Jesus stated “Today this scripture has been fulfilled . . .” Then in Luke 5:17 “On one of those days, as he was teaching, . . .and…
Rev. Gary Kennedy asks “What’s In A Name?” Mary and Joseph were told by the angel to name their son Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus. We pray in the name of Jesus. Jesus came as a gift from God to all of us. He came to live as a human while…
“When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, ‘Zacchaeus, . . . I must stay at your house today.’ So he made haste and came down, and received him joyfully.” Luke 19:5-6 RSV Jesus is waiting for you to choose. Will you receive Him joyfully or reject His loving sacrifice…
Rev. Ruth Blum shares we usually look for affirmation and success by searching for it. Our society search standard is based on how well we do in job and finances. God’s standard says to truly live a worthwhile life, seek treasure by doing good, giving forgiveness and granting mercy. Follow Christ.
When we pray the expectation is that God will hear. When Jesus taught us how to pray he gave further instructions. The attitude of prayer is not just that God will hear. God wants us to be persistent in asking, in searching, in knocking. He also wants us to believe/expect that he will answer. God…
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares what makes a great country. Abraham Lincoln said “The strength of a nation is in the homes of a nation,” because in a family we work together toward a common goal. Jesus came to earth with a message of repentance and salvation followed by a commission to go out as lambs…
In our journey of this life, sometimes we just aimlessly walk, not paying attention to where or how we will reach our destination. Three men were in this situation, Jesus gives them a surprising answer. Hear what Rev. Ruth Blum shares about this.
When tragedies like mass shootings cause us to doubt, we need to be reminded of the foundations of our faith and KNOW that our hope is in Christ Jesus. His prayer for the Church in John 17 includes you and me. Rev. Ruth Blum