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Keep in mind the importance of following Jesus while we follow others who have led in beginning Bible studies, prison ministries, orphanages, hospitals and more as they followed Jesus and His example. Christine Jones presents a delightfully challenging message from 2 Kings 2:6, Ruth 1:16-17, Matthew 4:18-20 for United Methodist Women Sunday.
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares a touching story about a man wishing he could become a bird to communicate a way of salvation to a group of birds in danger of freezing. Jesus became a man to give us a way of safety and salvation from the danger of everlasting death. God loves us so much…
Jesus is missing! Have you found Him? Sometimes we seek Him in all the wrong places. Sometimes we don’t even look for Him. Jesus wants us to have joy and love. Seek Him today!
Rev. Kennedy shares the symbolism of a candy cane being a shepherd’s crook. He explains how Jesus is our Good Shepherd and the sheep follow the shepherd and know his/her voice even when there are other voices calling out. It is important that we follow our Good Shepherd and listen for His voice. God speaks…
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares the joy in the lives of Zechariah and Elizabeth, the parents of John the Baptist. We can all learn to be joyful at Christmas from the original Christmas story of the miracle of the birth of John and the miracle of the birth of Jesus.
“A chute will come from the stump of Jesse” from Isaiah refers to the birth of Jesus. Rev. Ruth Blum shares how our ancestry is connected with blessings. References to “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein reminds us that God makes all things new.
Rev. Ruth Blum shares the significance of the curtain being torn from top to bottom when Christ died on the cross. Before His sacrifice every year on the Day of Atonement the High Priest was the only person who could enter through the curtain into the Holy of Holies in the temple. He would go…
Rev. Ruth Blum brings the message.
Rev. Gary Kennedy brings the message.
Rev. Gary Kennedy brings the message.