On Laity Sunday at Willowbrook the message was presented by Nicholas Capatch. What a great blessing! Our Lay Members did a great job of running the entire service. See Mark 10:35-45
When you are encouraged to mentor others in their spiritual journey, do not refuse because you do not feel “good enough.” Simply put into practice the WHY of what you believe. We are usually very readily available to teach others at a new job. What stops us from being a mentor to others in their…
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my love. . . . You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide; so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may…
Jesus had begun his ministry and went about preaching in the synagogues and casting out demons. People followed him and wanted him to stay in their village. He reminded his disciples that he was sent to them to reach as many people as possible and to heal and cast out demons. He was sent to…
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares a story from the book of Acts about Cornelius who was described by many as a good man. He prayed, he gave gifts to the poor. He was visited by an angel and told to call for Simon Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus, to come give him a message…
Every Christian has received gifts and talents from God. These are to be used in the church to help the church grow. When everyone in the church shares from their gifts the church is complete. This is not only the monetary gifts but our spiritual gifts of faith, mercy, leadership, discernment, evangelism, giving, knowledge, pastoring,…
In a Holy moment Moses and God talked to each other. God told Moses his name and promised to be with him throughout his journey and his ministry. God loves us and He promises us that He will be with us as we go out into our area of ministry. God calls each of us…