Before the Foundation of the World
We apologize for the poor audio quality.
God calls the church to be a welcoming place where all are loved and accepted.
On heritage Sunday Pastor Gary focuses on the legacy of love in our families and in our church.
A Mother’s Day sermon that reflects on the love of God as our Good Shepherd.
The story of Doubting Thomas shows that doubt is a natural and inescapable part of our faith journey.
Jesus’ triumphal entrance into Jerusalem leads to the cross of Golgotha.
As Jesus moves to Jerusalem, he tries to prepare the disciples for what is to come.
In Jesus’ Parable of the Prodigal Son we tend to focus on the sins of the younger son but the elder brother was also “lost” in a different but equally destructive way.
Jesus’ Parable of the Fig Tree is not an easy parable to understand but one that has an important message.