And God Said…
Willowbrook church member and Certified Lay Speaker Diane Nelson brings the message.
Willowbrook church member and Certified Lay Speaker Diane Nelson brings the message.
Retired United Methodist pastor Duane Combs brings the message.
The wisdom of those who have gone on before can have a great influence on how we respond to the Great Commission.
Pastor Gary concludes his 3-part series with this look at the future of the church.
Pastor Gary concludes his three-part series “Back to the Future” as he looks at the history of Willowbrook and urges us to look forward to what Willowbrook can be in the future.
Peter tells the church suffering from persecution that suffering unjustly is Christ’s way which he modeled for us.
The story of the disciples walking to Emmaus helps us understand that the risen Christ is revealed to us as we encounter those in need.
The story of the disciple Thomas’ doubts shows the importance of faith in the absence of certainty.
An Easter message emphasizing that the resurrected Christ is alive and with us even now.