Now as Then, We Marvel
The Old Testament Psalms help us to understand how people of faith understood and worshiped God thousands of years ago and how our worship continues to be inspired by them.
The Old Testament Psalms help us to understand how people of faith understood and worshiped God thousands of years ago and how our worship continues to be inspired by them.
John’s first letter states that the very nature of God is love and that we are to share that love as disciples of Jesus Christ.
in John’s first letter he encourages believers to love not in word and speech but in truth and action. In other words, let your love be shown in what you do.
Jesus appears to the disciples following his resurrection with a message for them and for us.
How does the resurrection of Jesus Christ affect how we live our lives today?
Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday begins a Holy Week in which we see how God’s plan of salvation was lived out by Jesus’ obedience to God’s will.
Greeks come seeking Jesus and he states that the end of his mission to the Jews is ending and the mission to the Gentiles is forthcoming.
Pastor Gary offers insights into this foundational doctrine of the Christian faith.
A “meek and mild” Jesus uses violence to drive the merchants and money lenders out of the Temple. Rev. gary examines this scripture and find meaning for today.