Just Like Your Dad
We were created in the image of God. As we grow in faith and spiritual maturity we will look more and act more and more like our heavenly Father.
We were created in the image of God. As we grow in faith and spiritual maturity we will look more and act more and more like our heavenly Father.
A passage of scripture from the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy leads us to reflect on how we can show courage in our Christian living.
The Parable of the Wedding Feast shows that God welcomes all into his kingdom.
Each of us has a gift to share with others on behalf of Christ.
Churches, like businesses, need to have a clear vision for their future. Our vision is given by God, calling us to be where God already is, ready to build God’s kingdom.
The Willowbrook United Methodist Women led our Sunday worship and welcomed guest speaker, David Hepburn, Special Projects Coordinator for UMOM (United Methodist Outreach Ministries) New Day Centers who spokeof their ministries to homeless families.
The familiar Golden Rule is certainly an excellent guide for moral conduct.
This passage in Matthew 16 marks a turning point in Jesus’ ministry as he turns towards Jerusalem and the certain knowledge of his coming death.
Jesus asks us the same question he asked the disciples: Who do you say that I am? If your answer is what Peter said, what would that mean for your life?