The Centurian’s Authority
Pastor Gary reflects on Memorial Day through the story of the Roman Centurian’s faith and with personal remembrances.
Pastor Gary reflects on Memorial Day through the story of the Roman Centurian’s faith and with personal remembrances.
The Roman Centurian’s encounter with Jesus offers a dramatic story of faith.
Jesus is standing at the door of your heart. He’s softly knocking, asking for you to let him in. What is your response? (Because of copyright restrictions, the music portion of this art sermon could not be included.)
The Holy Spirit gave birth to the Church on Pentecost and continues to move God’s people to ministry.
Rev. Gary tells the story of a woman who, because of an autistic child had to put her family first, and then discovered how God used her situation to make a great impact on the world.
Jesus, knowing the end is near, says good bye to his disciples but at the same time encourages them by saying that he will send the Comforter — the Holy Spirit — to be with them.
Christ calls us to love one another. Love has its greatest impact when that love is put into action — through acts of compassion.
Christ calls us to love another. Compassion is love in action — and our response in all circumstances should be one of compassion and love.
Exploring the scripture that includes Jesus’ saying “I am the Vine”, Pastor Steve uses art and music to create a multi-media message. During the three musical interludes he works to create a pastel painting that illustrates the message. Because of copyright restrictions only a brief portion of the music is included, primarily to indicate where in…
Peter was changed from a man who denied Christ to one who was used by Christ in powerful ways. We too can be use by God for great things if we remain faithful and devoted to Christ.