Rev. Neil Leftwich, Central West District Superintendent, reminds us that we are blessed no matter our circumstances — God is always with us.
Rev. Neil Leftwich, Central West District Superintendent, reminds us that we are blessed no matter our circumstances — God is always with us.
Rev. Gary tells about his trip to Africa University in words and photos.
Last Sunday we learned the significance of Jesus as the Bread of Life; but what is the next step in understanding how that applies to our lives?
Jesus said, “I am the Bread of Life.” Our reflection on scripture leads us into a celebration of Holy Communion where we receive the Bread of Life in the here and now.
Jesus fed the multitudes with five loaves and two fish, but then offered himself as the true bread — the Bread of Life — the spiritual bread which satisfies our greatest hunger.
God is with us at all times but especially in the unexpected places of stress, sorrow and disappointment.
The Ark of the Covenant was where God resided and so the Israelites took the Ark, and God, with them wherever they went. Although they later built a temple, our God remains a “portable” God because God is always with us. God resides not in a church building but in our hearts.
Even in times of persecution, God’s church continues to not only survive but thrive.
Celebrating our precious freedom — freedom to worship, freedom in Christ.
Every culture has its “chicken little”s — those voices of doom and gloom who see catastrophe in every event. Drawing from the Old Testament, guest speaker Rev. Ron Hamilton encourages us to face uncertain times in faith, knowing that the God who has been with us in the past will continue to be with us…