Counterfeit Christian
Some people are Christians in name only. They claim the name but don’t play the game. They talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. In his New Testament letter, James admonishes Christians to show our faith through our actions.
Some people are Christians in name only. They claim the name but don’t play the game. They talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. In his New Testament letter, James admonishes Christians to show our faith through our actions.
A Father’s Day sermon focusing on the example of Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah.
Pastor Gary uses examples from the Old Testament to encourage us to trust in the Lord.
Jesus uses two parables to speak of the Kingdom of God. (This same sermon was preached on Sunday, June 14th).
Pastor Gary shares how study of the Bible led to his acceptance of Christ and finally entering the ministry.
A sermon on the importance of Bible study for spiritual growth.
Jesus said, “You must be born again.” That can also be translated as born from above, born anew, or born of the spirit. But what did that mean to Nicodemus then and what does it mean for us today?
The disciples’ transforming experience of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost led to the birth of the church. But does the Holy Spirit still change lives today?
When the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples at Pentecost and set their hearts on fire it marked the beginning of the church.
Psalm 1 demonstrates that their are two paths; one is the path of righteousness; the other is a path that leads to destruction. We are to be trees planted near water, rooted in holiness and producing fruit.