Palms to Passion
In a joyful, contemplative, curious, reflective, astonishing, horrifying, denigrating, shocking presentation, Rev. Lois Hedden presents the events from the victorious entrance of Jesus into the city to the mournful walk to Golgotha, to the crucifixion of Jesus on the cross. Culminating with the singing of “Were You There when They Crucified My Lord, this moving…
Use It or Lose It
The Greeks were searching for Jesus because they were always seeking something new; new philosophy, new religion, new approaches. They kept moving from one religion to another or one philosophy to another. Jesus seemingly ignores their request for an audience but instead begins another message to his followers and the crowds that were following him.…
Come to the Light
Quoting Billy Graham, “The Soul requires as much attention as the body.” Rev. Kennedy points out that adversity and challenges can either defeat us or strengthen us. Our souls need fellowship, communion with God, worship, quietness and meditation. We can become weak and shriveled without exercise physically and spiritually. At some point we need to…
Build a Temple in Three Days
The gospel of John emphasizes the eternal origin of Jesus as well as the divine side of Jesus. Describing Him as Shepherd shows Him as gentle and very strong with the ability to care for a lamb or defend the flock from attacks. John recognized Jesus not only as a man and teacher, but also…
The Neighboring Towns
Jesus had begun his ministry and went about preaching in the synagogues and casting out demons. People followed him and wanted him to stay in their village. He reminded his disciples that he was sent to them to reach as many people as possible and to heal and cast out demons. He was sent to…