On Laity Sunday at Willowbrook the message was presented by Nicholas Capatch. What a great blessing! Our Lay Members did a great job of running the entire service. See Mark 10:35-45
The Greeks were searching for Jesus because they were always seeking something new; new philosophy, new religion, new approaches. They kept moving from one religion to another or one philosophy to another. Jesus seemingly ignores their request for an audience but instead begins another message to his followers and the crowds that were following him.…
How do we recognize . . . What is genuine? Who is Genuine? In scripture Paul was genuine. After his dramatic conversion he demonstrated genuine love for others. He lived the love of Jesus in his relationships and in his ministry within the church. We must ask ourselves, Am I genuine in my love for…
Every Christian has received gifts and talents from God. These are to be used in the church to help the church grow. When everyone in the church shares from their gifts the church is complete. This is not only the monetary gifts but our spiritual gifts of faith, mercy, leadership, discernment, evangelism, giving, knowledge, pastoring,…
In this worshipful presentation, Rev. Gary Kennedy shares the importance of the Church worldwide and attending church. Jesus attended church on a regular basis even when he had difficulty with the leadership. Jesus often read scripture during a worship service. When we read Luke 4:18-19a we see Jesus quoting Isaiah 61:1-2. Here we are reminded…
The history of the church as well as examples of great missionaries like, Methodist, E. Stanley Jones, shows us that God calls each of us to “Christian Maturity”. The result of that growth is personal spiritual strength, social change and an influence on nations and the world.