A thanksgiving eve worship and dinner is set for 6 pm.

Willowbrook Christmas Eve Worship

The Kennedy family invited us into worship with the lighting of all the candles in the Advent wreath. We were reminded the first candle represents Waiting on the Lord with faithful endurance. The second candle reminded us to Watch for God’s presence in hopeful expectation. The third candle reminded us tp Prepare for the Lord’s…

A large church with many seats and a piano.

Lessons and Carols – 4th Sunday of Advent

We have looked through the windows of Waiting, Watching, and Preparing for the coming of Jesus. Now Rev. Ruth Blum and Rev. Lois Hedden along with the Willowbrook Chancel choir under the direction of Dr. Robb Butler and accompanied by Carol Virolainen lead us through a worshipful presentation of Praise using Lessons and Carols about…

A colorful background with musical notes and flowers.

Prepare the Way of the Lord – 3rd Sunday of Advent

Mark shares in his gospel the words of Isaiah encouraging preparation for the coming of the Lord. “‘Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, who shall prepare thy way; the voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” We often look around and see the…