
In a moving message, Rev. Ruth Blum shares the importance of recognizing God is the Church and His love is pure and never-failing. We cannot and should not judge His Church by the actions of people. Remember, God calls YOU by name. Follow Him.

The Visit of the Wise Men

Rev. Gary Kennedy shares interesting facts and some accepted speculation about the Wise Men who came to Jerusalem and then Bethlehem to find a new-born king. While there were three gifts, the wise men probably had a large entourage of people with supplies and servants for the long journey to follow the star. Even with…

You Matter!

In this transitional time from Christmas to the New Year, there are those who are hastily removing decorations and turning of the colorful lights, while there are others who will keep all of the decorations up as they celebrate the twelve days of Christmas. No matter how you and your family celebrate this transitional time,…

Good News of Great Joy!

Rev. Gary Kennedy reminds us that we, along with people around the world are celebrating the birth of the Christ child. We come together in a unified spirit of worship. For some, being seated in church at this moment is possibly their first moment of peace in an otherwise busy holiday season. Sometimes we forget…

Leap for Joy

The Willowbrook Chancel Choir, under the direction of Dr. Robb Butler, was featured in a beautiful worshipful presentation of “A Christmas Carol Gallery” musical tapestry assembled by acclaimed composer Larry Shackley. The choir was accompanied by Carol Manley on the piano and guest musicians, Norah Welsh on flute, Annemarie Strzelecki on clarinet, Leah Hodge on…

Strength and Song

Scripture reminds us we are not alone when we experience trials and discomfort. We are assured over and again that there is nothing too great for the Lord. God is with us and walks with us through the valleys. We are never alone. Thank you, Jesus! May we praise God daily for his constant presence.…

He is Coming!

Malachi is not the first prophet to point out that God’s people were not following God’s plan for them. Malachi is reminding people that there is a Saviour coming and people will have to repent. Pastor Gary Kennedy points out that we, like they are called to repentance. If not for Emmanuel, we all would…

A Willing Gift

In 2 Corinthians 9:5-12 in the New Living Translation we are reminded God loves a cheerful giver! On this final day of our Pledge Campaign we are reminded by Rev. Gary Kennedy that our gifts are to come from the heart. God does not want us to give grudgingly but joyfully. We are also praising…

Good and Faithful Servant

Following a thankful tribute to the veterans in the service, we sang favorite songs celebrating each service branch. After this expression of gratitude, Rev. Gary Kennedy and Dr. Linda Reese presented a moving and challenging message on stewardship as we embark our month of GRATITUDE.