Hope Restored
The book of Joshua is the first book in the Bible following the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy) and it begins with the word AND. This suggests it is a continuation of the message in those books. In the first five books, God let His people know how much he loved them and the…
Quail and Manna (With God All Things are Possible)
When the disciples told Jesus they were not good enough to do the job he gave them to do, Jesus replied, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” He told the disciples they needed to trust God to help them do the job they were called to do. When the…
Talking With God
In a Holy moment Moses and God talked to each other. God told Moses his name and promised to be with him throughout his journey and his ministry. God loves us and He promises us that He will be with us as we go out into our area of ministry. God calls each of us…
The Rest of the Story
With a nod to Paul Harvey and his history of telling “The Rest of the Story” Rev. Lois Hedden begins by sharing some history of the life of Joseph, the favorite son of Jacob/Israel from the book of Genesis. She then moves on to the time when Joseph reveals himself to his brothers who have…
Fanny Crosby
In a delightful service featuring the top twelve of our favorite hymns/songs (by vote) in a program filled with hymn history and a peek into the lives of several hymn-writers, Rev. Ruth Blum leads the congregation in a unique worship experience. You will learn much and be a part of a very large choir.
Heirs of Glory
In Romans 8:12-17 we are reminded that we are God’s children. As God’s children we are heirs of God’s glory which also means we share in His sufferings.
It’s About Faith
Rev. Lois Hedden shares some very interesting identifying information about the Seasons within the Church Year prior to moving into her message on the amazing faith of three different people in the Bible. God called Abraham when he was very old and told him to take his family and move to a totally different region,…
And Here We Go!
Sharing several examples of doubt experienced by the disciples following the death of Jesus and as they encountered Him in resurrected form, Rev. Gary Kennedy then shares thoughts on trust; themselves as they move forward and of Jesus’ promise to be with theml Jesus told the disciples before His death and now following his resurrection…