Heirs of Glory
In Romans 8:12-17 we are reminded that we are God’s children. As God’s children we are heirs of God’s glory which also means we share in His sufferings.
In Romans 8:12-17 we are reminded that we are God’s children. As God’s children we are heirs of God’s glory which also means we share in His sufferings.
Rev. Lois Hedden shares some very interesting identifying information about the Seasons within the Church Year prior to moving into her message on the amazing faith of three different people in the Bible. God called Abraham when he was very old and told him to take his family and move to a totally different region,…
Sharing several examples of doubt experienced by the disciples following the death of Jesus and as they encountered Him in resurrected form, Rev. Gary Kennedy then shares thoughts on trust; themselves as they move forward and of Jesus’ promise to be with theml Jesus told the disciples before His death and now following his resurrection…
In an encouraging and uplifting message, Rev. Ruth Blum uses many scripture references to point out ways to overcome anxiety. The World Health Organization states that right now in the year 2023 3.6% (approximately 264 million) of the world population suffer from some sort of anxiety disorder. In 1 Peter 5:6-11 we find a message…
In John 14:21 Jesus says, ” . . . if you love me, keep my commandments.” But he did not leave us to do it alone. He left the Holy Spirit to help us. We are reminded that there are moments when we get a “gut feeling” we should call or visit someone and when…
Samuel was a prophet and God instructed him to anoint a new king to succeed Saul. God told Samuel not to look at physical appearance but to follow His leading to the person He had already chosen to be king. God looks at the heart, not outward appearance. Samuel anointed David and “the Spirit of…
“Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted there by the devil.” Matthew 4:1 Jesus was tested in the wilderness by Satan after 40 days of fasting and praying. We are all tested by Satan in many ways at many times. When we are being tested, it can feel like we…
Our God is Majestic, Glorious and Loving! Julius Segal, was a noted psychologist who studied survivors of concentration camps from the Korean War, Vietnam and Iraq. He discovered the ones who survived all had one thing in common. HOPE! They remained hopeful for what they would do and experience when they got home. They dreamed…
NOTE: Pastor Jon forgets to turn on mic at the very beginning. Have patience, he does turn it on. Pastor Jon Ierley shares when he first retired he thought now I can do anything I want. He soon discovered even in freedom there are boundaries; finances, health, commitments to others. There are many things going…
As we look back at the baptism of Christ we explore the history of baptism. We also consider what baptism means for us today. During this service, Pastor Lois will lead us in a meaningful time of remembering our own baptism.