The worship service opened with a a procession of wise men bringing gifts for the baby. Rev. Gary Kennedy asked, “What gift do YOU bring to Jesus?” The wise men (Magi) had followed a star that moved across the sky to lead them to the King of the Jews. They probably thought they were heading…
Instead of selecting a few verses as a focus, Rev. Lois Hedden has shared an entire passage of scripture in Luke 2:22-40. Simeon had been waiting a very long time for the Messiah. He had been promised he would not die before seeing the Messiah. Simeon recognized Jesus as the Messiah when Mary and Joseph…
The Kennedy family invited us into worship with the lighting of all the candles in the Advent wreath. We were reminded the first candle represents Waiting on the Lord with faithful endurance. The second candle reminded us to Watch for God’s presence in hopeful expectation. The third candle reminded us tp Prepare for the Lord’s…
Mark shares in his gospel the words of Isaiah encouraging preparation for the coming of the Lord. “‘Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, who shall prepare thy way; the voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” We often look around and see the…
Advent is a time of waiting and anticipation. We watch and wonder what is next in a time of change in our society. We watch with open eyes for what God has in store for us in the days ahead. There have been multiple ebbs and flows in the celebration of Christmas including a time…
Christ is our King! We must always be reminded, even with the confusion and chaos in our world, Christ is King! One day Christ will come into His glory to judge mankind. He will separate those who follow Him as King from those who do not. Those who follow Him will live with Him for…
Rev. Lois Hedden points out that parables are stories. Who doesn’t like a good story? Parables are like onions, they have layers. She first of all read a quote from Eugene Peterson: “Parables are narrative time bombs. These are stealthy stories that steal into people’s hearts, confusing them initially, throwing them off balance for a…
In this worshipful presentation, Rev. Gary Kennedy shares the importance of the Church worldwide and attending church. Jesus attended church on a regular basis even when he had difficulty with the leadership. Jesus often read scripture during a worship service. When we read Luke 4:18-19a we see Jesus quoting Isaiah 61:1-2. Here we are reminded…
When the disciples told Jesus they were not good enough to do the job he gave them to do, Jesus replied, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” He told the disciples they needed to trust God to help them do the job they were called to do. When the…
There are no stupid questions when trying to understand God’s Words to us. Peter’s question about how often we are to forgive others for wrong they have done, gave opportunity for Jesus to teach about the importance of forgiveness and grace. Using a conversation between Former President Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela following his release…