Referring to Himself as The Son of Man which is the term used in Daniel chapter seven to describe the Messiah, Jesus asked, “Who Do You Say I Am?” Many writers and Philosophers have attempted to answer this question. A French writer said He was a sentimental idealist. An American businessman said He was the…
And when Jesus heard . . . (of the death of John the Baptist) He withdrew to a solitary (quiet) place. When our hearts are broken, do we seek solace alone? People probably followed Jesus for a number of reasons: seeking comfort, seeking a miracle, just to be with Him, just to be with the…
This sermon is built upon the previous two Sunday sermons. Drawing from the life of missionary E. Stanley Jones, who once appeared on the cover of Time magazine and adding the parables told by Jesus, the sermon addresses spiritual growth and life decisions. The reflections lead to self analysis and powerful life lessons.
Using passages from John 14 and 15, Rev. Gary Kennedy reminds us all that God will help us grow in our spirit and in our ministry to others as long as we stay in contact with Him. In order to grow and produce fruit, trees and vines must be pruned. Otherwise abundant leaves will block…
Rev. Lois Hedden shares some very interesting identifying information about the Seasons within the Church Year prior to moving into her message on the amazing faith of three different people in the Bible. God called Abraham when he was very old and told him to take his family and move to a totally different region,…
Sharing several examples of doubt experienced by the disciples following the death of Jesus and as they encountered Him in resurrected form, Rev. Gary Kennedy then shares thoughts on trust; themselves as they move forward and of Jesus’ promise to be with theml Jesus told the disciples before His death and now following his resurrection…
In his “farewell discourse” Jesus speaks to the Disciples as “Little Children” because they are young in their faith. Jesus is still trying to prepare the Disciples for his departure. He is repeating he will be leaving them soon and they cannot go with him. He gives them a “new” commandment that they are to…
It’s Sunday morning. The men who followed Jesus were in hiding. They had been following Jesus for three years. They were involved in exciting and dramatic events as Jesus taught them and trained them. After watching his crucifixion, there were confused and afraid. The women, however, were on their way to the tomb to honor…
From right after His birth, throughout Jesus’ life people plotted to kill Him. No person was successful. The Jews were gathering in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover when God protected the Jews who put blood from the Passover lamb on their doorpost. Every other household that did not have the blood on the doorpost experienced…
In order to understand resurrection and eternal life, we must first understand and acknowledge death and eternal separation from God. Death always comes before resurrection. Jesus, as the Good Shepherd laid down His life in order to have victory over death. The death of Lazarus followed by his resurrection by Jesus, prepares us for the…