Birth of Spirit
Born of flesh or born of Spirit? Both are necessary. See John 3:1-17
Born of flesh or born of Spirit? Both are necessary. See John 3:1-17
The Greeks were searching for Jesus because they were always seeking something new; new philosophy, new religion, new approaches. They kept moving from one religion to another or one philosophy to another. Jesus seemingly ignores their request for an audience but instead begins another message to his followers and the crowds that were following him.…
Quoting Billy Graham, “The Soul requires as much attention as the body.” Rev. Kennedy points out that adversity and challenges can either defeat us or strengthen us. Our souls need fellowship, communion with God, worship, quietness and meditation. We can become weak and shriveled without exercise physically and spiritually. At some point we need to…
Jesus had begun his ministry and went about preaching in the synagogues and casting out demons. People followed him and wanted him to stay in their village. He reminded his disciples that he was sent to them to reach as many people as possible and to heal and cast out demons. He was sent to…
Rev. Gary Kennedy shares a story from the book of Acts about Cornelius who was described by many as a good man. He prayed, he gave gifts to the poor. He was visited by an angel and told to call for Simon Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus, to come give him a message…
Christ is our King! We must always be reminded, even with the confusion and chaos in our world, Christ is King! One day Christ will come into His glory to judge mankind. He will separate those who follow Him as King from those who do not. Those who follow Him will live with Him for…
Every Christian has received gifts and talents from God. These are to be used in the church to help the church grow. When everyone in the church shares from their gifts the church is complete. This is not only the monetary gifts but our spiritual gifts of faith, mercy, leadership, discernment, evangelism, giving, knowledge, pastoring,…
Rev. Lois Hedden points out that parables are stories. Who doesn’t like a good story? Parables are like onions, they have layers. She first of all read a quote from Eugene Peterson: “Parables are narrative time bombs. These are stealthy stories that steal into people’s hearts, confusing them initially, throwing them off balance for a…